
CodeSync IDE

A collaborative code compiler with React frontend,, and Rapid API backend, facilitating seamless coding collaboration for group projects, interviews, or casual coding sessions.

Streamy ~ Youtube Clone

Streamy: A React.js web application enabling video streaming via the YouTube API, featuring optimized network calls with React/Tanstack Query, debounced and cached search functionality, responsive design, and dark mode support.

Kanban Board

Kanban Board is a React app for project management, enabling users to create, update, and delete tasks, categorize them by status, and track progress with a drag-and-drop interface.

Expense Tracker

Expense Tracker: A user-friendly React app for financial management, enabling easy expense tracking, categorization, and real-time updates to help users stay on top of spending and budgeting goals.

Netflix Clone

Netflix clone: A dynamic React app mimicking Netflix's interface, leveraging the TMDB API for extensive movie and TV show collection, featuring responsive design, user authentication, and immersive streaming experience with detailed movie information, trailers, and seamless viewing.

Dev Detective

Dev Detective is a web app built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, utilizing the GitHub API to fetch and display user information. It provides a seamless way for developers to investigate GitHub profiles, repositories, and contributions, facilitating easy collaboration and networking in the developer community.

Certificate Website

This webiste contains all the certificates that I have earned till now. It is built using React and Tailwind CSS.

Google Cloud Ready Portfolio

The Google Cloud Ready Portfolio is a React app designed to showcase a google cloud badges, swags and certifications.

Portfolio V 2.0

The React Portfolio app V2 is a sleek, responsive, and user-friendly platform that enables developers to showcase their skills and projects. I made this during 3rd year of my college.

Portfolio V 1.0

The React Portfolio app V1 is a sleek, responsive, and user-friendly platform that enables developers to showcase their skills and projects. I made this during 2nd year of my college.