About me

Hey! I'm Keshav and I'm a software engineer.

I've been obsessed with technology ever since I was a kid. My craze for pc began as a kid like most other (i guess) playing computer games on my old pc, I was teaching myself how to code. Fast forward a few years, and now I'm a full-fledged code ninja with an insatiable thirst for creating beautiful websites and functional applications.


When I'm not busy slaying bugs and writing code, I'm usually busy indulging in my two favorite hobbies: rajma chawal and dad jokes. I firmly believe that a good laugh and a rajma chawal bowl can fix just about anything, including bugs in my code (okay, maybe not that last part).

Fun Fact: When I wrote this code, only God and I understood what I did. Now only God knows (or at least, that's what I tell myself to get through long coding sessions).
That's why I want to be an OP^